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Valeo Dust Cap Replacement - All D6RA Valeo Starters / EnDuraLast
VALEO D6RA7, VALEO D6RA15, VALEO D6RA, VALEO GEAR wheel, D6RA7 gears, D6ra15 gears, d6ra7 gear wheels, D6RA15 Gear Wheels, BMW R Gear wheel, BMW R Airhead gear wheel, bmw airhead gear wheel, airhead gear wheel, BMW R Airhead starter gear wheel, BMW Airhea
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Part #: D6RA-CAP

Dust Cap - Valeo Starter fits ALL VALEO D6RA Starter BMW R Airhead D6RA7, D6RA15, BMW R Olihead D6RA55, D6RA75 and Moto Guzzi D6RA21, D6RA210 starters.

Vehicle Manufacturer: BMW, Moto Guzzi
Application: 1988-1995 BMW R , Model 247, Moto Guzzi. Pre-1988 w/ VALEO Starter
Make/Model: BMW, Moto Guzzi: All Model 247's (late) & Moto Guzzi
Model Years: 1988 to 2005
Manufacturer #: Not Available from Dealer

(See APPLICATION TABLE tab to verify vehicle fitment )

Original Equipment Quality :

USD Price $1.50

Quantity in Stock:82

Part #: D6RA-CAP

Gear Track [Add $13.75]

Application Table
Dust Cap that is fitted under the plastic brush holder.

Keeps carbon dust from brushes from accumulating in the electric motor armature and field magnet housing.
How to disassemble your starter

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